ISIS: A Blessing in Disguise
Despite all of the discussions that are focused on the ill intentions of ISIS, I have come to see the rise of ISIS as a blessing and an opportunity for the whole world.
Americanized Christianity and Theological Chaos in Pakistan
Theologically condescending attitudes towards believers in third world countries have caused the West to miss a tremendous blessing and opportunity to grow and witness the work of the Holy Spirit in different cultures.
Pastors and Imams: A Crucial Friendship
Rather than having merely another interfaith group, we must establish mutual trust based on common beliefs and values to help each other and to help our respective communities.
Loving Muslims Is Active Faith
It might be difficult for you right now but if you start loving Muslims in due time it will become part of our life, and you will know that fear has been replaced by faith in Christ and his promises.
Cultural Shifts Move The Church Away From God
In the United States, another issue with the current cultural shift in the Western Church is its own presupposition in which things must make sense according to the American theological understanding (interpretation).
Freedom of Religion and Marginalization of Religious Communities
Could it be that gradually the American culture of my Baptist faith has replaced my simple faith in Christ to trust in Him for greater needs?
Cultural Influence on Our Dependency of God
Culture has and will continue to influence our view of religion and God. Unfortunately, sometimes the most advanced cultures tend to make a mockery of the simple faith or religions found in primitive cultures.
Learning to Love the Muslim Next Door
What continues to amaze me in the West, and particularly in the United States, is that people are either misinformed or do not know anything about Islam.
Womanhood, Motherhood, and Godhood
Everything that the West does or does not do reflects on Christianity in the East. Even though Christianity sprung out of the first monotheistic religion, Judaism, in the East, yet […]
The Reason Behind the Teachings and Practices of ISIS and Boko Haram
It is the need of our times that people from all religious and non-religious sectors work together to get along with each other and try to resolve conflict with genuine dialogue. Interfaith dialogues merely stating that, “Islam is a religion of peace” will not help unless sincere efforts are made to answer the controversial portions of the Qur’an by Islamic scholarship.
I launched this resource site in 2010 with a vision to challenge views and change hearts through comprehensive, thought-provoking writing, interviews, and discussions.
I share articles and posts on current world issues related to religion, theology, and politics. I seek to articulate the public meaning of faith, bringing the resources of religious tradition to bear on such topics as poverty, human rights, economic justice, international relations, national priorities, popular culture, and yes, even politics, as long as it is related to faith.
I occasionally publish posts by other authors to include a variety of voices. f you would like to write an article for this site, please contact me. I am interested in pieces that examine or critique the theology and ethos of individual religious communities, and I welcome articles that find fresh meaning in old traditions and that adapt or apply religious traditions to new circumstances. Please allow four to six weeks for a response.