What is Sharia (Shariah) Law to Western Nations?
There are over one hundred sects of Islam, and each interpret the Qur’an and the Hadith differently, therefore they define Islamic laws differently too.
Serving Two Authorities: God and Culture
For her, the irrelevance of the command to not eat swine was reason enough to override even Jesus’ teachings!
What is Sharia (Shariah) Law?
Sharia (Shariah) law is the Islamic law by which Muslims ought to live their lives. However, there is hardly any consensus on the interpretation and application of this Islamic law throughout the world.
Informational vs. Incarnational Witnessing
My challenge to you is to learn the delicate balance of the Informational Gospel and the Incarnational Gospel to become effective fearless witnesses of Christ in this dark world.
Has the Time Come for Christians to See Muhammad as the Spirit of Truth?
Can Christianity and Islam be integrated?
Karl Barth’s Theology of Reconciliation
Karl Barth’s theology of reconciliation implies that evangelization and missions are unnecessary to convert people because all religions have equal access to God through Christ.
A New Dawn: The Heart For Muslims Conference
Unfortunately, the church has not dealt with Islam or Muslims the way that Christ commanded us to do so. We are not called to add to the conflict of various belief systems in our ever deteriorating world, rather we ought to be the church of Christ for times such as these.
Is There a Permanent Solution to Terrorism?
Only if the Islamic world, especially Saudi Arabia, Iran, and Pakistan vow to revise their education policy and philosophy the world can become a better place for everyone especially for Muslims.
Should Christians Love Muslims?
Loving Muslims goes alongside what Christ teaches, and hating Muslims goes along with what the devil and his advocates want the Church to do so that we may lose our witness and invite chaos, distress, and division among us.
I love Muslims, and I am a Christian
It is Jesus who calls us to love Muslims because He loves them too, and our Muslim friends need to know that we love them because He loves us all.
I launched this resource site in 2010 with a vision to challenge views and change hearts through comprehensive, thought-provoking writing, interviews, and discussions.
I share articles and posts on current world issues related to religion, theology, and politics. I seek to articulate the public meaning of faith, bringing the resources of religious tradition to bear on such topics as poverty, human rights, economic justice, international relations, national priorities, popular culture, and yes, even politics, as long as it is related to faith.
I occasionally publish posts by other authors to include a variety of voices. f you would like to write an article for this site, please contact me. I am interested in pieces that examine or critique the theology and ethos of individual religious communities, and I welcome articles that find fresh meaning in old traditions and that adapt or apply religious traditions to new circumstances. Please allow four to six weeks for a response.