Plugged In’s Review of 13 Reasons Why by Jay Asher
The following book review of “Thirteen Reasons Why,” by Jay Asher, is taken from Focus on the Family’s Plugged In site, which reviews movies and books.
Dealing With Deeply Entrenched Sins by Daniel Mann
Why does our Savior abandon us to this often discouraging struggle against sin? Because we need it! An immediate victory over sin would not serve us well. Why not? We do not do well spiritually when everything is going well for us.
Islam is Now Living Through its Dark Ages – and Rebirth Is Not Assured by Khaled Abou El Fadl
It is not an exaggeration to say that Islam is now living through its proverbial dark ages. In my view, the material issue is not whether one calls for an Islamic reformation, or for a return to an original moral and humanistic Islamic tradition.
Is Salvation Possible For Those Who Do Not Believe In Jesus? by Daniel Mann
Where Scripture remain uncertain, we too must remain uncertain. Where its teachings are clear, we too must be clear.
Can God Be Omniscient Without It Negating Our Freewill? by Daniel Mann
God is beyond time, since He has created time, space, and matter. These three are inseparable according to science. And if God created them, He can certainly navigate through them without the limitations that we experience.
Can Evolution Adequately Account For and Sustain Morality? by Daniel Mann
Can the evolutionary worldview sustain a conviction that our moral reasoning is paramount and ought to be obeyed?
Muslim Teenager Killed In Virginia, USA
Promoting incidents like these as hate crimes against Muslims can have deadly repercussions, where organizations like ISIS and Al-Qaeda can incite young Muslims to take revenge and defend Islam.
Another London Attack, and Another Lesson
The Muslim community needs to make a game plan and do more to remove themselves from isolation.
Divided New York City: An Invitation for Terrorists
The media intentionally reported this as a clash between pro-Muslims and anti-Muslim protesters. This is irresponsible journalism at the cost of our security and unity as a city and as a country.
Plugged In’s Review of The Adventures of Captain Underpants
The following book review of “The Adventures of Captain Underpants,” by Dav Pilkey, is taken from Focus on the Family’s Plugged In site, which reviews movies and books.
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