Dr. Javed has written an important book on lovingly reaching out to our Muslim neighbors. This has never been more important and especially in New York City in the wake of 9/11.

Dr. Mac Pier, President, The New York City Leadership Center, Founder of Concerts of Prayer New York City, Author of Spiritual Leadership in the Global City

Dr. A. R. Javed

If you are serious about understanding Islam and sharing Christ with your Muslim neighbors, The Muslim Next Door will be a great help to you. I have known Dr. Javed for many years and have great respect for both he and his ministry. We work together at Calvary Baptist Church in New York City sharing the gospel with everyone – including Muslims. His book will help equip you to be a more loving, informed and effective witness for Jesus Christ.

Rev. Dave Epstein, Senior Pastor Emeritus, Calvary Baptist Church, New York City, Author of A Time for Hope.

Dr. A. R. Javed“Discipleship precedes any other action.” With insights like these, Dr. Javed gives us a treasure trove of practical advice on reaching out to Muslims with the gospel. Writing from an Eastern perspective, the author rightly emphasizes both evangelism and discipleship in ministry to Muslims. The Q & A style makes The Muslim Next Door eminently readable.

Rev. Fred Farrokh, Former Director of Jesus For Muslims Network, Metro New York City, Author of Jailbreak! A Christian’s Guide to Praying for the Muslim World


Dr. A. R. JavedPaul announced, “ I have become all things to all men, that I might by all means save some”. Without a doubt Dr. Javed shares the apostle’s passion to reach those of another culture and it is evident in his book The Muslim Next Door. Dr. Javed provides keen insight and wise counsel for those seeking to share Christ with Muslims without compromising the message of the Cross.
Rev. Gary Frost, Midwest Region Vice President, NAMB, Former executive director, Metropolitan New York Baptist Association, Former President, Concerts of Prayer Greater New York
Dr. A. R. JavedI am a Jew who loves Muslims. I love Muslims because I love Jesus the Jewish Messiah. The Muslim Next Door helps me to love Muslims in the best way possible. It teaches me how to effectively share the greatest gift I have to give to my Muslim friends, the love of God in Messiah Jesus. Thank you, Dr. Javed, for helping me to be obedient to my Savior's command.
David Brickner, Executive Director Jews for Jesus
Dr. A. R. JavedIt has been one of the most distinct experiences here at Hephzibah House, NYC, to share in the life and ministry of the author, Rev. Dr.  Javed. God has entrusted many gifts to this man, including a sharp mind with the ability to communicate what God has taught and instilled in him, through His Word, but also through his personal experiences of life. God has no doubt equipped him and placed him in NYC, USA for such a time as this. His book is like him...it has his personal heart throughout it...energetic, compassionate, intelligent, with the sole purpose of honoring Jesus Christ. The writings of this book should be read by American Christians, so that God may use us with greater effectiveness as His witnesses.
Mrs. Lois Ewald, Former President/Director Hephzibah House, New York City
Dr. A. R. JavedPeople in general, and Christians in particular, do not know how to react to the growing presence of Muslims in America. Who are these Muslims? What do they really believe? Should I be afraid of them? Christians, in addition, struggle with how to befriend Muslims and how to share the gospel with them. In The Muslim Next Door, Javed provides Christians, in a question and answer format, with the tools to do both.
George T. Russ, Executive Director, Metropolitan New York Baptist Association
Dr. A. R. JavedA must read for anyone engage in evangelism to Muslims. Particularly to those that are dedicated to reaching Muslims within our prisons. Islam is not only the fastest growing religion in the world but also in correctional facilities within the United States. The Muslim Next Door is primer on how, when and where to share the gospel in terms that are culturally relevant, sensitive and persuasive.
Rafael Lozada, JD, Former Executive Director, North East Prison Fellowship
Dr. A. R. JavedHaving an interest in Muslims over 35 years of ministry with international students, it may become a very useful resource to the church in North America.
Tim Sigman
Director, New York Metro Area, International Student Inc. (ISI)
WDr. A. R. Javedhen it comes to evangelism with Muslims, there are always many questions to address. Muslims have lots of questions for Christians. Christians have a lot of questions about Muslims. Javed's years of experience answering the questions of both Muslims and Christians shines through in The Muslim Next Door. The book's dialogical style invites the reader into an intimate question and answer session with an experienced practitioner. The reader will certainly find helpful answers to questions they want, or need, answered.
Chris Clayman, Director of Global Gates Network, Author of ethNYcity: The Nations, Tongues, and Faiths of Metropolitan New York