Galatians 2:11-16: Jesus, the Justification for All
We need to learn to lean on Jesus’s justification in all situations and not our own justification based on good works and ethical code.
Galatians 2:6-14: Self-Condemnation
No matter where we are, our presence should oppose ungodly behaviors and attitudes to avoid self-condemnation. Sometimes it may mean opposing a fellow believer.
Galatians 2:1-10: When Not to Yield
Paul shows the Galatians when not to yield their faith. Galatians 2:1-10: Then after fourteen years I went up again to Jerusalem with Barnabas, taking Titus along with me. I […]
Galatians 1:6-12: Deserting God
In Galatians 1:6-12, we find ways to test if you are deserting God, and how to be vigilant as you deal with small spiritual icebergs.
Galatians 1:1-5: The Power of Grace
In Galatians, Paul responds to false teachers by providing a defense of the power of grace against reliance on following the law.
Philemon 1:24-25: Perspective on Grace, Part 2
In Philemon, Paul offers a unique perspective on grace. Because we have received grace freely, we must offer grace freely to others.
Philemon 1:24-25: Perspective on Grace, Part 1
In Philemon, Paul offers a unique perspective on grace. If we understand God’s undeserved forgiveness of us, we must extend grace to others also.
Urgent Need: Flooding in Pakistan
This year, severe seasonal flooding in Pakistan during the monsoon season has devastated my home country. Here’s how you can send support.
Philemon 1:21-23: Perspective on Obedience
In Philemon, Paul offers a unique perspective on obedience. Do we put obedience to Christ first? Can others testify to that?
Philemon 1:17-20: Perspective on Partnership
In Philemon, Paul offers a unique perspective on partnership. God does not force us to partner with him, but rather he invites us to share in the work of the Gospel, which does not discriminate.
I launched this resource site in 2010 with a vision to challenge views and change hearts through comprehensive, thought-provoking writing, interviews, and discussions.
I share articles and posts on current world issues related to religion, theology, and politics. I seek to articulate the public meaning of faith, bringing the resources of religious tradition to bear on such topics as poverty, human rights, economic justice, international relations, national priorities, popular culture, and yes, even politics, as long as it is related to faith.
I occasionally publish posts by other authors to include a variety of voices. f you would like to write an article for this site, please contact me. I am interested in pieces that examine or critique the theology and ethos of individual religious communities, and I welcome articles that find fresh meaning in old traditions and that adapt or apply religious traditions to new circumstances. Please allow four to six weeks for a response.